Our dental plans are designed to ensure your employees receive regular preventive care with little or no cost to them. We also provide comprehensive coverage should they need more extensive dental care.
Learn about Affordable Care Act dental requirementsPart of the Affordable Care Act is intended to improve dental coverage for children, including preventive, routine, and some major dental coverage. Enrollees who purchase medical coverage outside of the NY State of Health Marketplace are required to purchase a medical plan with pediatric dental coverage included or a qualified standalone plan. By purchasing a medical plan with dental included, you can be sure children will receive comprehensive coverage overseen by our staff of medical experts and both medical and pediatric dental services will count towards your out of pocket maximums.

Product Plan Designs Network

Dental Blue OptionsOpen a PDF

Choose from a broad range of cost-sharing options for both in-network and out-of-network services.

You can choose to exclude pediatric (under age 19) dental coverage while maintaining comprehensive coverage for adults.

Dental Annual Maximum RolloverOpen a PDF from Excellus BCBS incentivizes preventive care by rewarding employees with funds they can roll over to use as needed in the future.

  • Access to participating dentists who agree to perform services at pre-determined rates and will submit claims for you. You'll usually pay less for services when you visit a network dentist.
  • You may see non-participating dentists, but will usually pay more since they can bill you for the difference between our allowed amount and their charges.
  • Expanded network coverage through National Dental Grid+ DENTEMAX network.

SimplyBlue Plus DentalOpen a PDF

Affordable Care Act (ACA)-compliant dental plans that are designed specifically for Small Groups.

You can choose a range of package options, including full family coverage and deductibles as low as $0.

  • Access to participating dentists who agree to perform services at pre-determined rates and will submit claims for you. You'll usually pay less for services when you visit a network dentist.
  • You may see non-participating dentists, but will usually pay more since they can bill you for the difference between our allowed amount and their charges.
  • Expanded network coverage through National Dental Grid+ DENTEMAX network.

We have several medical plans which include dental coverage for children under age 19 as an option. These plans meet the requirements of the Affordable Care Act.
Learn about Affordable Care Act dental requirementsPart of the Affordable Care Act is intended to improve dental coverage for children, including preventive, routine, and some major dental coverage. Enrollees who purchase medical coverage outside of the NY State of Health Marketplace are required to purchase a medical plan with pediatric dental coverage included or a qualified standalone plan. By purchasing a medical plan with dental included, you can be sure children will receive comprehensive coverage overseen by our staff of medical experts and both medical and pediatric dental services will count towards your out of pocket maximums.

Small Business Dental Plans - Medical With Dental Plans Table
Product Plan Designs Network

SimplyBlue Plus Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze

Learn More About Pediatric DentalOpen a PDF
Choose from a broad range of cost-sharing options for both in-network and out-of-network services.

You can choose to exclude pediatric (under age 19) dental coverage while maintaining comprehensive coverage for adults.

Options to provide dental coverage for everyoneOpen a PDF

  • Access to participating dentists who agree to perform services at pre-determined rates and will submit claims for you. You'll usually pay less for services when you visit a network dentist.
  • You may see non-participating dentists, but will usually pay more since they can bill you for the difference between our allowed amount and their charges.

Need Help?

Our expert advisors can help you find plans to meet your company's needs: 

Rochester: (585) 339-7806 

CNY/Utica: (607) 259-9274 
Includes Oneonta, Plattsburgh, and Watertown 

Binghamton: 1-877-208-5264 
Susanna Smith: (607) 259-9274 

Megan Schmidt: (607) 738-8962 
Derek Stevens: (607) 425-4902 
Susanna Smith: (607) 259-9274