View Medical Policies

For certain member contracts, the Health Plan has delegated utilization management of the following services to eviCore Healthcare MSI, LLC d/b/a eviCore Healthcare: implantable cardiac devices, radiology/imaging, radiation therapy, and musculoskeletal services (large joint replacement, pain management, and spine services). The Health Plan has adopted eviCore’s medical policies and guidelines as a basis for the determination of medical necessity and appropriateness of care.

Please refer member-specific questions to the Customer Care number on the back of the member card. Final determination of coverage is subject to the member’s benefits and eligibility on the date of service.

Showing 221– 240 of 305 Results
Title Last Updated Category
Periodontal Maintenance Open a PDF 13.01.05 2024-05-30 Dental
Periodontal Scaling and Root Planing Open a PDF 13.01.04 2024-05-30 Dental
Pharmacogenetics Open a PDF 2.02.30 2024-10-02 Genetic Disease (Inherited Disease)
Photodynamic Therapy for Malignant Disease Open a PDF 8.01.06 2024-03-14 Cancer Treatment (Oncology)
Physical Therapy (PT) Open a PDF 8.01.12 2024-12-04 Therapy & Rehabilitation
Plasmapheresis, Plasma Exchange and Apheresis Open a PDF 8.01.04 2024-03-04 Blood Disorders (Hematology)
Plugs for Fistula Repair Open a PDF 7.01.86 2024-03-28 Digestive System (Gastroenterology)
Positive Airway Pressure Devices CPAP BiPAP APAP and Noninvasive Positive Pressure Ventilators (NIV) Open a PDF 1.01.06 2025-01-30 Sleep Medicine
Positron Emission Tomography (PET) - Non-Oncologic Applications Open a PDF 6.01.07 2024-10-30 Radiology (x-rays) & Imaging
Positron Emission Tomography (PET) Oncologic Applications Open a PDF 6.01.29 2024-08-06 Radiology (x-rays) & Imaging
Positron Emission Tomography (PET) Oncologic Applications (Effective 2025-03-17) Open a PDF 6.01.29 2024-12-17 Radiology (x-rays) & Imaging
Positron Emission Tomography (PET)- Non-Oncologic Applications (Effective 2025-03-17) Open a PDF 6.01.07 2024-12-30 Radiology (x-rays) & Imaging
Powered Compression Devices/Lymphedema Pumps Open a PDF 1.01.17 2024-12-30 Durable Medical Equipment & Supplies
Predictive Testing for Pancreatic Cancer Open a PDF 2.02.39 2024-12-30 Lab Tests (pathology)
Prenatal Genetic Testing Open a PDF 4.01.03 2024-12-04 Genetic Disease (Inherited Disease)
Private Rooms Open a PDF 12.01.06 2024-12-04 Miscellaneous
Showing 221– 240 of 305 Results


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